We have decided to create TheHealthyGriddle to show that living in a household and cooking for vastly different dietary preferences is easy and possible!

We love trying new recipes and cooking together, while also maintaining our individual lifestyles.

Please join us, send us ideas/comments, enjoy our recipes, follow our social media and hopefully, we will have some fun along the way!



I am currently following a Keto diet. My goal is primarily to lose weight, but I am also feeling healthier. Cooking with fresh ingredients and using a variety of techniques in the kitchen has always been a passion of mine.

The Healthy Griddle was conceived after countless hours of Griddle Master YouTube videos. It looked like a great way to cook food and he was having fun doing it. We fell in love with cooking on the griddle and want to share how our favorite foods and recipes can be adapted to satisfy our dietary differences. Living with an herbivore definitely presents some challenges as many meals either require a plant-based substitute or a different recipe altogether. I enjoy the challenge of finding ways to satisfy both dietary choices while cooking as close to one meal as possible.


I follow a primarily vegan diet, but my efforts are better described as plant-based. My decision to follow this lifestyle has become important because I feel healthier, I have strong views on animal rights, and my body does not process meat and dairy very well. There are occasions when I eat foods such as eggs and cheese, but this is a rarity.

Living with a carnivore can make straying from my lifestyle tempting, but the physical and mental benefits I feel from a plant-based diet are too clear to ignore. Having an amazing cook in the house (my husband) makes it easy for me to enjoy the variety of vegan/plant-based meals that I love.